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Carry On:
A comic about hyenas – really!
Carry On for Monday, February 15, 2021:

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A: It's Not Over Yet
Sandy: —and because she was Chiefess of a garrison town, she became "Countess Garrison" which got shortened to "Grrsn." Pretty neat, huh?
ColonelGrrsn: The Bloodmoon Hunters are ready to support you should there be any conflict arising from your defeat of General Maiham, Ma'am.
Kathy: Wait— what "conflict—?!" Would there be a conflict? I thought "Winner Take All" was pretty final.
ColonelGrrsn: This is the Maramasai. There is always conflict.
Sandy (aside to Kathy): I sure hope you enjoyed that two-day nap you took.
B: Warriors Or Lawyers
Sign on building: Community Hospital
Fred: You see, Ma'am, the duel was not exactly a legal means of settling the succession, as it cut Clan Olgalili out of the equation entirely. We have not yet heard from Vypa Rumer as to what Clan Olgalili intends to do.
Kathy: And she is—?
Fred: The mother of Vyschuss Rumer. She married the grandson of Songween's sister and is the de facto leader of the clan. She may contest the outcome of the duel, either in court or by force of arms. And she's not the sort to utilize a lawyer. We may still have a war to fight.
Kathy: If the duel wasn't legal, then why did you let me fight it?!
Fred: If you recall, I.... *ehem.* There are many reasons, but basically, Songween wanted to see you kick Jinjur's butt.
Sandy: Which she did awesomely!
Sandy: —and because she was Chiefess of a garrison town, she became "Countess Garrison" which got shortened to "Grrsn." Pretty neat, huh?
ColonelGrrsn: The Bloodmoon Hunters are ready to support you should there be any conflict arising from your defeat of General Maiham, Ma'am.
Kathy: Wait— what "conflict—?!" Would there be a conflict? I thought "Winner Take All" was pretty final.
ColonelGrrsn: This is the Maramasai. There is always conflict.
Sandy (aside to Kathy): I sure hope you enjoyed that two-day nap you took.
B: Warriors Or Lawyers
Sign on building: Community Hospital
Fred: You see, Ma'am, the duel was not exactly a legal means of settling the succession, as it cut Clan Olgalili out of the equation entirely. We have not yet heard from Vypa Rumer as to what Clan Olgalili intends to do.
Kathy: And she is—?
Fred: The mother of Vyschuss Rumer. She married the grandson of Songween's sister and is the de facto leader of the clan. She may contest the outcome of the duel, either in court or by force of arms. And she's not the sort to utilize a lawyer. We may still have a war to fight.
Kathy: If the duel wasn't legal, then why did you let me fight it?!
Fred: If you recall, I.... *ehem.* There are many reasons, but basically, Songween wanted to see you kick Jinjur's butt.
Sandy: Which she did awesomely!
Sunday, July 1, 2017:
Fred’s Diaries have won first place in this year's Ursa Major Awards, in the Best Novel category! Many thanks to everyone who voted for us!
Fred’s Diaries have won first place in this year's Ursa Major Awards, in the Best Novel category! Many thanks to everyone who voted for us!
NOTICE: Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot will be shot.
~ Mark Twain
All characters and artwork (C)2004-2015 K. Garrison ( or their original creators.
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