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Carry On:
A comic about hyenas – really!
Carry On for Monday, February 1, 2021:

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A: Cone Of Shame
(Jinjur is wearing the Cone of Shame and chained to the wall, her entire head bandaged)
Jinjur: Vif if ffo humiliating.
Vyschuss: You get uffed to it. Hav vey foun' alla your teef yet?
Jinjur: Fut up.
Vyschuss: Hey, you want fum uv viff pudding? Ith nummy pink fflime flavor! Where do I ftick va furinge?
Jinjur: Get away from me wif fat you fadift!
Sfx: Rattle!
Vyschuss: Aww— you ufta like my fadftik ftreak!
B: Miffed Opportunity
Vyschuss: Jinjur— what were you thinkin'? You could finiffed her off in two fekondf flat...
Jinjur: I waf trying to be nife to her! I gave her every opportunity to quit and go home— And beffidth, I couldn't openly defy my grandmother!
Vyschuss: ...but you wanted to humiliate her, ffo you played wif her...
Jinjur: I waf trying to provoke her into making me kill her!
Vyschuss: ...and gave her va chanf to beat you.
Jinjur: She did NOT beat me!
Vyschuss: Huh.
Jinjur: It waf dumb luck! I did not lose— I miffcalculated— and she cheated!
Vyschuss: "Never miff an oportunity to take advantage of your enemy'ff miftakfth."
(Jinjur is wearing the Cone of Shame and chained to the wall, her entire head bandaged)
Jinjur: Vif if ffo humiliating.
Vyschuss: You get uffed to it. Hav vey foun' alla your teef yet?
Jinjur: Fut up.
Vyschuss: Hey, you want fum uv viff pudding? Ith nummy pink fflime flavor! Where do I ftick va furinge?
Jinjur: Get away from me wif fat you fadift!
Sfx: Rattle!
Vyschuss: Aww— you ufta like my fadftik ftreak!
B: Miffed Opportunity
Vyschuss: Jinjur— what were you thinkin'? You could finiffed her off in two fekondf flat...
Jinjur: I waf trying to be nife to her! I gave her every opportunity to quit and go home— And beffidth, I couldn't openly defy my grandmother!
Vyschuss: ...but you wanted to humiliate her, ffo you played wif her...
Jinjur: I waf trying to provoke her into making me kill her!
Vyschuss: ...and gave her va chanf to beat you.
Jinjur: She did NOT beat me!
Vyschuss: Huh.
Jinjur: It waf dumb luck! I did not lose— I miffcalculated— and she cheated!
Vyschuss: "Never miff an oportunity to take advantage of your enemy'ff miftakfth."
Sunday, July 1, 2017:
Fred’s Diaries have won first place in this year's Ursa Major Awards, in the Best Novel category! Many thanks to everyone who voted for us!
Fred’s Diaries have won first place in this year's Ursa Major Awards, in the Best Novel category! Many thanks to everyone who voted for us!
NOTICE: Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot will be shot.
~ Mark Twain
All characters and artwork (C)2004-2015 K. Garrison ( or their original creators.
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