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Carry On:
A comic about hyenas – really!
Carry On for Friday, August 25, 2017:

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A: I'll Show You Mine...
Fred: ...I s-suppose I was attracted to you from the very f-first day we met... you weren't a hulking Amazon, that was a huge plus; I was afraid you would be like your Grandma Penthesilia— terrified, actually— b-but you took after your grandmother Fisi... I have always been a fan of Madam Fisi— I have all of her trading cards— the statistics come in handy when I—
Kathy: Wait— Trading cards?
Fred: Yes— Hyena Brigade trading cards. All of the officers get at least one. Some get entire series of them, depending upon their service record. And life span.
Kathy: All the officers...?
Fred: Er... remind me to show you mine when we get to Kiyanti...
Kathy: Oh, I will!
B: Cliffhanger
Fred: P-please, Ma'am— this isn't easy for me to say...
Kathy: All right— you talk, I'll listen.
Fred: Thank you.
Fred: W-when I first met you I didn't know what to expect. I still don't. In a rational world, there is no reason for two people such as ourselves to even be friends, let alone... well... compatible lifemates. Yet here we are, as it were. I will confess that at first, your greatest attraction for me was that you were not Vyschuss or Jinjur. But over the last few days, I have come to realize a new appreciation for who you are, and what you mean to me... Up to now, I've spent my life resenting the Contract that obliged me to marry the Heir of Rackenroon; now I feel incredibly grateful. You've changed my life in ways you will never understand. When... I pulled you from the water yesterday, and you weren't breathing, I realized that if I lost you, I would not want to go on living. It is my duty to protect you; the punishment for failing in that duty is execution— but I would not mind dying, for a world without you in it would not be worth living in... but ...
Fred: ...I s-suppose I was attracted to you from the very f-first day we met... you weren't a hulking Amazon, that was a huge plus; I was afraid you would be like your Grandma Penthesilia— terrified, actually— b-but you took after your grandmother Fisi... I have always been a fan of Madam Fisi— I have all of her trading cards— the statistics come in handy when I—
Kathy: Wait— Trading cards?
Fred: Yes— Hyena Brigade trading cards. All of the officers get at least one. Some get entire series of them, depending upon their service record. And life span.
Kathy: All the officers...?
Fred: Er... remind me to show you mine when we get to Kiyanti...
Kathy: Oh, I will!
B: Cliffhanger
Fred: P-please, Ma'am— this isn't easy for me to say...
Kathy: All right— you talk, I'll listen.
Fred: Thank you.
Fred: W-when I first met you I didn't know what to expect. I still don't. In a rational world, there is no reason for two people such as ourselves to even be friends, let alone... well... compatible lifemates. Yet here we are, as it were. I will confess that at first, your greatest attraction for me was that you were not Vyschuss or Jinjur. But over the last few days, I have come to realize a new appreciation for who you are, and what you mean to me... Up to now, I've spent my life resenting the Contract that obliged me to marry the Heir of Rackenroon; now I feel incredibly grateful. You've changed my life in ways you will never understand. When... I pulled you from the water yesterday, and you weren't breathing, I realized that if I lost you, I would not want to go on living. It is my duty to protect you; the punishment for failing in that duty is execution— but I would not mind dying, for a world without you in it would not be worth living in... but ...
Sunday, July 1, 2017:
Fred’s Diaries have won first place in this year's Ursa Major Awards, in the Best Novel category! Many thanks to everyone who voted for us!
Fred’s Diaries have won first place in this year's Ursa Major Awards, in the Best Novel category! Many thanks to everyone who voted for us!
NOTICE: Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot will be shot.
~ Mark Twain
All characters and artwork (C)2004-2017 K. Garrison ( or their original creators.
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Pages created by Carl Foxmarten.