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Carry On:
A comic about hyenas – really!
Carry On for Wednesday, November 25, 2020:

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A: Spell It Out
Announcer: Annnd in this corner— weighing— her options— direct from New Yak City—
Crowd: NOO YAK CITY—?!
Announcer: —GranddaughterofMadamFisiAndGeneralPenthesiliaButOtherwiseWithNoCombatExperienceWhatsoever— KATHRNNNN GRRRRRSNNNN!
B: Trotting Those Globes
Cheerleaders: K—A—T-H-Y—GRR—SN! K—A—T-H-Y—GRR—SN! K—A—T-H-Y—GRR—SN! K—A—T-H-Y—GRR—SN!
BlackWatchman1: Holy meatballs! It's the Harlot Globetrotters! In the flesh!
BlackWatchman2 (grabbing binoculars): Will ya lookitem shake those pompoms!
BlackWatchman3 (choked by binocular cord): Gurk!
BlackWatchman4: I'm lookiting! I'm lookiting!
C: The Spots And Stripes Forever
Cheerleaders (singing): Three Cheers for the Flag of Songween! May it wave as our standard forever! We proclaim as we march to the fray that by our might and by our right it'll wave forever!
(Kathy and Sandy riding in a tank, with many friends, to The Stars and Stripes Forever)
Murphy (singing): Be kind to your web-footed friennnnnds—!
Gilhuli: I loves me a good ol' Sousa march!
Announcer: Annnd in this corner— weighing— her options— direct from New Yak City—
Crowd: NOO YAK CITY—?!
Announcer: —GranddaughterofMadamFisiAndGeneralPenthesiliaButOtherwiseWithNoCombatExperienceWhatsoever— KATHRNNNN GRRRRRSNNNN!
B: Trotting Those Globes
Cheerleaders: K—A—T-H-Y—GRR—SN! K—A—T-H-Y—GRR—SN! K—A—T-H-Y—GRR—SN! K—A—T-H-Y—GRR—SN!
BlackWatchman1: Holy meatballs! It's the Harlot Globetrotters! In the flesh!
BlackWatchman2 (grabbing binoculars): Will ya lookitem shake those pompoms!
BlackWatchman3 (choked by binocular cord): Gurk!
BlackWatchman4: I'm lookiting! I'm lookiting!
C: The Spots And Stripes Forever
Cheerleaders (singing): Three Cheers for the Flag of Songween! May it wave as our standard forever! We proclaim as we march to the fray that by our might and by our right it'll wave forever!
(Kathy and Sandy riding in a tank, with many friends, to The Stars and Stripes Forever)
Murphy (singing): Be kind to your web-footed friennnnnds—!
Gilhuli: I loves me a good ol' Sousa march!
Sunday, July 1, 2017:
Fred’s Diaries have won first place in this year's Ursa Major Awards, in the Best Novel category! Many thanks to everyone who voted for us!
Fred’s Diaries have won first place in this year's Ursa Major Awards, in the Best Novel category! Many thanks to everyone who voted for us!
NOTICE: Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot will be shot.
~ Mark Twain
All characters and artwork (C)2004-2015 K. Garrison ( or their original creators.
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Pages created by Carl Foxmarten.