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Carry On:
A comic about hyenas – really!
Carry On for Wednesday, November 4, 2020:

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A: I Didn't Have Time To Paint Them
(Fred demonstrates with hyena battle figures)
Fred: Now, as soon as you can, you must seize the center— force her to wear herself out circling you. Keep the sun in her eyes as much as possible. Avoid attacking her. Keep a swordlength out of reach.
Fred: She doesn't know anything about your skill level. Keep it that way. She will try to intimidate you— let her think it's working. Guard yourself until she gets to frustrated— or so cocky— that she makes a mistake— then exploit it the way you tackled me today.
Murphy: ken i play wit yur dolls wen yur dun wif em?
Fred: They are not "dolls," they are tactical training figurines!
Kathy (aside to Murphy): They're dolls.
B: There's A Warm Wind Blowin' The Stars Around
(Fred and Kathy snuggle on the balcony, watching the sunset)
Fred: You know, Ma'am... Kathryn... I've been thinking... p'raps you are right, about... spending an illicit night of passion together... in case things don't go as we hope they will on Saturday... Not that I don't have faithin you, mind you, but we must be realists...
Fred: It is a glorious evening... we have this beautiful cottage all to ourselves... I could order Murphy to go patrol the grounds, and you and I could... well... succumb to the simmering emotions which have been standing between us, and perhaps find peace in our mutual ecstasy. Wh-what do you say, Ma'am?
Fred: ...Ma'am?
Kathy (snoring): ZZZZNZZ...
(Fred demonstrates with hyena battle figures)
Fred: Now, as soon as you can, you must seize the center— force her to wear herself out circling you. Keep the sun in her eyes as much as possible. Avoid attacking her. Keep a swordlength out of reach.
Fred: She doesn't know anything about your skill level. Keep it that way. She will try to intimidate you— let her think it's working. Guard yourself until she gets to frustrated— or so cocky— that she makes a mistake— then exploit it the way you tackled me today.
Murphy: ken i play wit yur dolls wen yur dun wif em?
Fred: They are not "dolls," they are tactical training figurines!
Kathy (aside to Murphy): They're dolls.
B: There's A Warm Wind Blowin' The Stars Around
(Fred and Kathy snuggle on the balcony, watching the sunset)
Fred: You know, Ma'am... Kathryn... I've been thinking... p'raps you are right, about... spending an illicit night of passion together... in case things don't go as we hope they will on Saturday... Not that I don't have faithin you, mind you, but we must be realists...
Fred: It is a glorious evening... we have this beautiful cottage all to ourselves... I could order Murphy to go patrol the grounds, and you and I could... well... succumb to the simmering emotions which have been standing between us, and perhaps find peace in our mutual ecstasy. Wh-what do you say, Ma'am?
Fred: ...Ma'am?
Kathy (snoring): ZZZZNZZ...
Sunday, July 1, 2017:
Fred’s Diaries have won first place in this year's Ursa Major Awards, in the Best Novel category! Many thanks to everyone who voted for us!
Fred’s Diaries have won first place in this year's Ursa Major Awards, in the Best Novel category! Many thanks to everyone who voted for us!
NOTICE: Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot will be shot.
~ Mark Twain
All characters and artwork (C)2004-2015 K. Garrison ( or their original creators.
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Pages created by Carl Foxmarten.