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Carry On:
A comic about hyenas – really!
Carry On for Monday, December 4, 2017:

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A: Duelling Reports
Fred: Don't worry, I doubt he will be able to miss Port Asbestos. Get ready to leave, we have a deadline to meet. Come along, Your Grace.
LtHyde: Kruger— you and those caste-off impostors of yours are a bad influence on the the me. I hope you know that I will be reporting this incident.
Fred: I hope you do. In the meanwhile, you might want to set some patrols hunting for those lions we saw making incursions on your perimeter and killing the Duchess' antelopes. Be assured that I will be reporting that to her directly.
B: All An Act?
Kathy: What did she mean, "caste-off impostors?"
Fred: Well, I am afraid there will be those who will doubt your story.
Fred: They will believe that I would do anything to get out of having to marry Jinjur or Vyschuss— including picking up some low-bred actresses and passing them off as the Duchess' kin...
Fred: The problem is, they're right.
C: A Helping Hand
Kathy: No ladder? How am I supposed to get up—
Kathy: THERE!
Fred: Don't worry, I doubt he will be able to miss Port Asbestos. Get ready to leave, we have a deadline to meet. Come along, Your Grace.
LtHyde: Kruger— you and those caste-off impostors of yours are a bad influence on the the me. I hope you know that I will be reporting this incident.
Fred: I hope you do. In the meanwhile, you might want to set some patrols hunting for those lions we saw making incursions on your perimeter and killing the Duchess' antelopes. Be assured that I will be reporting that to her directly.
B: All An Act?
Kathy: What did she mean, "caste-off impostors?"
Fred: Well, I am afraid there will be those who will doubt your story.
Fred: They will believe that I would do anything to get out of having to marry Jinjur or Vyschuss— including picking up some low-bred actresses and passing them off as the Duchess' kin...
Fred: The problem is, they're right.
C: A Helping Hand
Kathy: No ladder? How am I supposed to get up—
Kathy: THERE!
Sunday, July 1, 2017:
Fred’s Diaries have won first place in this year's Ursa Major Awards, in the Best Novel category! Many thanks to everyone who voted for us!
Fred’s Diaries have won first place in this year's Ursa Major Awards, in the Best Novel category! Many thanks to everyone who voted for us!
NOTICE: Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot will be shot.
~ Mark Twain
All characters and artwork (C)2004-2017 K. Garrison ( or their original creators.
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