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Carry On:
A comic about hyenas – really!
Carry On for Friday, December 1, 2017:

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A: A Long Time Coming
Kathy: Why are you guys wearing your good uniforms and nize hats?
OldBrigadier: We want to accompany you to Kiyanti as your honor guard, Ma'am— This is a momentous day for us! We get to escort the next Duchess! Henceforth we will be known as the Kathy Garrison!
Kathy: How long have you been waiting to use that one?
TheAuthor: Oh, years.
B: Picked Men
LtHyde: Absolutely not! We're supposed to be guarding the valley— I can only spare five warriors!
Fred: Then I am taking whom I choose— Murphy, Lucius, Timo, Koz—
—and Uri will drive the walker.
Lucius: Are you sure that's a good idea, Sir? Remember what happened the last time Uri drove...
C: Recalculating...
Lucius: We were on night maneuvers, tasked with setting up camp. The Lieutenant was driving, but felt sleepy, so he told Uri to drive for twenty miles, and then he fell asleep. Uri kept driving... we were twenty miles past our target when the Lieutenant looked around, and said, "Where the Hell are we?" Then he threatened to strangle Uri with his own intestines if we ran out of fuel before we got back to base!
Uri: In my defense, it was dark, I had lousy directions, and my GPS was taking a nap!
Kathy: Why are you guys wearing your good uniforms and nize hats?
OldBrigadier: We want to accompany you to Kiyanti as your honor guard, Ma'am— This is a momentous day for us! We get to escort the next Duchess! Henceforth we will be known as the Kathy Garrison!
Kathy: How long have you been waiting to use that one?
TheAuthor: Oh, years.
B: Picked Men
LtHyde: Absolutely not! We're supposed to be guarding the valley— I can only spare five warriors!
Fred: Then I am taking whom I choose— Murphy, Lucius, Timo, Koz—
—and Uri will drive the walker.
Lucius: Are you sure that's a good idea, Sir? Remember what happened the last time Uri drove...
C: Recalculating...
Lucius: We were on night maneuvers, tasked with setting up camp. The Lieutenant was driving, but felt sleepy, so he told Uri to drive for twenty miles, and then he fell asleep. Uri kept driving... we were twenty miles past our target when the Lieutenant looked around, and said, "Where the Hell are we?" Then he threatened to strangle Uri with his own intestines if we ran out of fuel before we got back to base!
Uri: In my defense, it was dark, I had lousy directions, and my GPS was taking a nap!
Sunday, July 1, 2017:
Fred’s Diaries have won first place in this year's Ursa Major Awards, in the Best Novel category! Many thanks to everyone who voted for us!
Fred’s Diaries have won first place in this year's Ursa Major Awards, in the Best Novel category! Many thanks to everyone who voted for us!
NOTICE: Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot will be shot.
~ Mark Twain
All characters and artwork (C)2004-2017 K. Garrison ( or their original creators.
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