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Carry On:
A comic about hyenas – really!
Carry On for Wednesday, April 20, 2016:

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A: Dying Of Presumption
Horn: I don't think you've got anything to worry about, with her. You should just give in to her. I think it'll make you both very happy—
Fred: I CAN'T!
Fred: Don't you understand? I am betrothed to the Heir. The Heir is not necessarily her.
Horn: I... don't follow.
Fred: Then let me lay it out for you. The Duchess has to officially recognise her. Until they, she is only the Heir Presumptive. Things could still change. If I... breach the Contract, there will be serious consequences. "Jumping the gun" as you so colloquially put it, could get me put in front of a firing squad!
B: Leavesdropping
Horn: But— don't you have a paper designating her as Heir?
IFred: t declares the youngest granddaughter Heir. If Kathyrn is killed, then the inheritance falls to Miss Sandy—
Fred: *Brr-rr-rr!* We must get Kathryn safely to Kiyanti!
Horn: I don't think you've got anything to worry about, with her. You should just give in to her. I think it'll make you both very happy—
Fred: I CAN'T!
Fred: Don't you understand? I am betrothed to the Heir. The Heir is not necessarily her.
Horn: I... don't follow.
Fred: Then let me lay it out for you. The Duchess has to officially recognise her. Until they, she is only the Heir Presumptive. Things could still change. If I... breach the Contract, there will be serious consequences. "Jumping the gun" as you so colloquially put it, could get me put in front of a firing squad!
B: Leavesdropping
Horn: But— don't you have a paper designating her as Heir?
IFred: t declares the youngest granddaughter Heir. If Kathyrn is killed, then the inheritance falls to Miss Sandy—
Fred: *Brr-rr-rr!* We must get Kathryn safely to Kiyanti!
Sunday, July 1, 2017:
Fred’s Diaries have won first place in this year's Ursa Major Awards, in the Best Novel category! Many thanks to everyone who voted for us!
Fred’s Diaries have won first place in this year's Ursa Major Awards, in the Best Novel category! Many thanks to everyone who voted for us!
NOTICE: Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot will be shot.
~ Mark Twain
All characters and artwork (C)2004-2016 K. Garrison ( or their original creators.
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