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Carry On:
A comic about hyenas – really!
Carry On for Wednesday, March 30, 2016:

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A: Masquerade
Kathy: That makes absolutely no sense—! Why would a sheyena masquerade as a guyena?
Kathy: Just how masochistic—
Sandy: Well, it would explain why he's so shy, and all. And so moody, and why he's always trying to dominate us—
Kathy: Oh, believe me— he's a male.
Sandy: You're so sure about that?
Kathy: Oh, I'm sure—!
B: Conspiracy Theory
Sandy: Really? Maybe she's just a really good actress... maybe that's why she doesn't want you to get too close to her... maybe everything she's told us is a lie... maybe she's the other heir, and she's lured us out here to the middle of nowhere so she can kill us, so she can inherit the country!
Sandy: I mean, that other story she told just about the "arranged marriage" sounds like something some nut job cooked up! I'll bet she led Horn off so she can have her lion assassins come in and finish us off. They're probably hiding in the bushes even as we speak!
Kathy: Aw, c'mon, Sandy—! That sounds like a crazy conspiracy theory!
Sandy: That's what they want you to believe!
C: Hey, Hey, It's The Mongeese
Kathy: Sandy, don't be ridiculous! Fred's a male! No sheyena in her right mind would pretend—
Sandy: Hey, shh! He's comin'!
Fred: Stupid bloody mongooses! How dare they steal my uniform!
Horn: Well, you should have hung your uniform in a tree, Lieutenant.
Sandy: Yeah, you're right, he's a guy. That would never have happened to a girl.
Kathy: That makes absolutely no sense—! Why would a sheyena masquerade as a guyena?
Kathy: Just how masochistic—
Sandy: Well, it would explain why he's so shy, and all. And so moody, and why he's always trying to dominate us—
Kathy: Oh, believe me— he's a male.
Sandy: You're so sure about that?
Kathy: Oh, I'm sure—!
B: Conspiracy Theory
Sandy: Really? Maybe she's just a really good actress... maybe that's why she doesn't want you to get too close to her... maybe everything she's told us is a lie... maybe she's the other heir, and she's lured us out here to the middle of nowhere so she can kill us, so she can inherit the country!
Sandy: I mean, that other story she told just about the "arranged marriage" sounds like something some nut job cooked up! I'll bet she led Horn off so she can have her lion assassins come in and finish us off. They're probably hiding in the bushes even as we speak!
Kathy: Aw, c'mon, Sandy—! That sounds like a crazy conspiracy theory!
Sandy: That's what they want you to believe!
C: Hey, Hey, It's The Mongeese
Kathy: Sandy, don't be ridiculous! Fred's a male! No sheyena in her right mind would pretend—
Sandy: Hey, shh! He's comin'!
Fred: Stupid bloody mongooses! How dare they steal my uniform!
Horn: Well, you should have hung your uniform in a tree, Lieutenant.
Sandy: Yeah, you're right, he's a guy. That would never have happened to a girl.
Sunday, July 1, 2017:
Fred’s Diaries have won first place in this year's Ursa Major Awards, in the Best Novel category! Many thanks to everyone who voted for us!
Fred’s Diaries have won first place in this year's Ursa Major Awards, in the Best Novel category! Many thanks to everyone who voted for us!
NOTICE: Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot will be shot.
~ Mark Twain
All characters and artwork (C)2004-2016 K. Garrison ( or their original creators.
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