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Carry On:
A comic about hyenas – really!
Carry On for Wednesday, June 20, 2018:

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A: Why This Wedding Cannot Take Place
Jinjur: Songween is talking about moving the wedding up. We have to be ready to act if that happens—
Vyschuss: I don't fee how she could mouff va weddin' up, an' ftill haff ve uvver Dutcheffeffz be dere.
Jinjur: Oh, she'll manage it, somehow. Songween hasn't survived this long without being devious. And she always gets what she wants. But— Kruger can only marry the Heir, and Songween can't declare an Heir without the approval of the other Duchesses. Finally that stupid Contract has come in handy— it's bought us some time.
B: Let The Games Begin
Jinjur: In the meanwhile, I am going to have to figure out some way of discrediting that poseur... some sort of public humiliation... perhaps at that banquet Songween is arranging to introduce her to society—
Vyschuss: Banquet? I'd like to get a look at her—
Jinjur: No! You will not be attending. You're not even supposed to be here! You will return to camp and inform our... associates... of the change in plans.
Vyschuss: Aw, I neffer get to haff any fun!
Jinjur: Oh, don't you worry— we shall have lots of fun, once we inherit the country—!
Jinjur: Songween is talking about moving the wedding up. We have to be ready to act if that happens—
Vyschuss: I don't fee how she could mouff va weddin' up, an' ftill haff ve uvver Dutcheffeffz be dere.
Jinjur: Oh, she'll manage it, somehow. Songween hasn't survived this long without being devious. And she always gets what she wants. But— Kruger can only marry the Heir, and Songween can't declare an Heir without the approval of the other Duchesses. Finally that stupid Contract has come in handy— it's bought us some time.
B: Let The Games Begin
Jinjur: In the meanwhile, I am going to have to figure out some way of discrediting that poseur... some sort of public humiliation... perhaps at that banquet Songween is arranging to introduce her to society—
Vyschuss: Banquet? I'd like to get a look at her—
Jinjur: No! You will not be attending. You're not even supposed to be here! You will return to camp and inform our... associates... of the change in plans.
Vyschuss: Aw, I neffer get to haff any fun!
Jinjur: Oh, don't you worry— we shall have lots of fun, once we inherit the country—!
Sunday, July 1, 2017:
Fred’s Diaries have won first place in this year's Ursa Major Awards, in the Best Novel category! Many thanks to everyone who voted for us!
Fred’s Diaries have won first place in this year's Ursa Major Awards, in the Best Novel category! Many thanks to everyone who voted for us!
NOTICE: Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot will be shot.
~ Mark Twain
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