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Carry On:
A comic about hyenas – really!
Carry On for Wednesday, June 13, 2018:

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A: Can't Get Good Help
(Eating from a can of Kitten Poodle Soup)
Vyschuss: If you want t'be Dutcheff, then I'll be Gereraliffima. Iffz all va fame to me. I never wanted to be Dutcheff. Iffz my mukdder what wantf me to be Dutcheff. You'd make a mush better Dutcheff. I'm no good at vat forta ftuff.
Sfx: slurp smurf smack
Jinjur: You flatter me, Cousin. You will make a fine Duchess. I am far too hated here. Why, just this afternoon, that wretched Blood and Bone honour guard treated me with outrageous insubordination! They're all painfully loyal to that snivelling little rodent, Kruger. He's probably bought them all off. And then there's that trumped-up popinjay Aloysius Horn, and his insufferable insolence— the whole Palace would be aligned against me, and even I don't have a taste for that much bloodshed. But... I suppose if the decks must be cleared...
B: Job Satisfaction
Jinjur: I will pay them back for the years of ridicule and contempt I have endured! They may mock me now, but let's just see how they react when I am Generalissima, and can order them into the very jaws of death!
(Eating from a can of Kitten Poodle Soup)
Vyschuss: Uh-huh. I fink you'll like vat job way too mush, Cuffin.
(Eating from a can of Kitten Poodle Soup)
Vyschuss: If you want t'be Dutcheff, then I'll be Gereraliffima. Iffz all va fame to me. I never wanted to be Dutcheff. Iffz my mukdder what wantf me to be Dutcheff. You'd make a mush better Dutcheff. I'm no good at vat forta ftuff.
Sfx: slurp smurf smack
Jinjur: You flatter me, Cousin. You will make a fine Duchess. I am far too hated here. Why, just this afternoon, that wretched Blood and Bone honour guard treated me with outrageous insubordination! They're all painfully loyal to that snivelling little rodent, Kruger. He's probably bought them all off. And then there's that trumped-up popinjay Aloysius Horn, and his insufferable insolence— the whole Palace would be aligned against me, and even I don't have a taste for that much bloodshed. But... I suppose if the decks must be cleared...
B: Job Satisfaction
Jinjur: I will pay them back for the years of ridicule and contempt I have endured! They may mock me now, but let's just see how they react when I am Generalissima, and can order them into the very jaws of death!
(Eating from a can of Kitten Poodle Soup)
Vyschuss: Uh-huh. I fink you'll like vat job way too mush, Cuffin.
Sunday, July 1, 2017:
Fred’s Diaries have won first place in this year's Ursa Major Awards, in the Best Novel category! Many thanks to everyone who voted for us!
Fred’s Diaries have won first place in this year's Ursa Major Awards, in the Best Novel category! Many thanks to everyone who voted for us!
NOTICE: Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot will be shot.
~ Mark Twain
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Pages created by Carl Foxmarten.