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Carry On:
A comic about hyenas – really!
Carry On for Friday, May 18, 2018:

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A: Et Tu, LT?
Fred: Madame, with all due respect, I believe we ought to follow protocol, and stick to the schedule for the wedding. With all the preparations already underway—
Songween: Aw, you've always been a fussy old stick in the mud!
Songween: Oh, all right— if you can wait, so can I. So tell me, Lieutenant— how'd our little girl do? Give me a full report!
Fred: Er, well, Madame... she allowed herself to be bullied into a situation she did not wish to be in. She allowed herself to be captured and carried off. She permitted a subordinate to dictate policy and guide her actions. She rescued a captured comrade, and bargained with a lesser power from a position of weakness. She sought peaceful resolutions to conflicts. She risked her own life to rescue subordinates. She allowed herself to be swayed by the advice of her social inferiors. She did not react appropriately to insults... and she engaged in public displays of affection...
B: Et Tu, LT?
Fred: She attempted, time and again, to befriend her inferiors, even going so far as to... *sigh*... show off in a song and dance routine before a detachment of the Household Guard. In short, she consistently behaved in a manner unbecoming to a sheyena of Royal blood. According to the parameters of your tests, Madame—
Kathy: Tests—?!
Fred: She failed. Miserably.
Fred: Madame, with all due respect, I believe we ought to follow protocol, and stick to the schedule for the wedding. With all the preparations already underway—
Songween: Aw, you've always been a fussy old stick in the mud!
Songween: Oh, all right— if you can wait, so can I. So tell me, Lieutenant— how'd our little girl do? Give me a full report!
Fred: Er, well, Madame... she allowed herself to be bullied into a situation she did not wish to be in. She allowed herself to be captured and carried off. She permitted a subordinate to dictate policy and guide her actions. She rescued a captured comrade, and bargained with a lesser power from a position of weakness. She sought peaceful resolutions to conflicts. She risked her own life to rescue subordinates. She allowed herself to be swayed by the advice of her social inferiors. She did not react appropriately to insults... and she engaged in public displays of affection...
B: Et Tu, LT?
Fred: She attempted, time and again, to befriend her inferiors, even going so far as to... *sigh*... show off in a song and dance routine before a detachment of the Household Guard. In short, she consistently behaved in a manner unbecoming to a sheyena of Royal blood. According to the parameters of your tests, Madame—
Kathy: Tests—?!
Fred: She failed. Miserably.
Sunday, July 1, 2017:
Fred’s Diaries have won first place in this year's Ursa Major Awards, in the Best Novel category! Many thanks to everyone who voted for us!
Fred’s Diaries have won first place in this year's Ursa Major Awards, in the Best Novel category! Many thanks to everyone who voted for us!
NOTICE: Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot will be shot.
~ Mark Twain
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