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Carry On:
A comic about hyenas – really!
Carry On for Friday, October 27, 2017:

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A: Following Orders
Fred: I'm sorry about that, Ma'am. Murphy is... well, she's the result of a Brigade eugenics experiment gone wrong. Despite her size, she has the mind of a child. It makes her... dangerous. Are you all right?
Kathy: You really need to use a better phrase than "Drop it." She's... kinda literal.
Fred: We tried "put it down" and "unhand it" but those did not end well...
B: An Army Of One
Fred: As intimidating as she looks, she cannot follow complex orders, so they assigned her to the Palace Guard. She mainly works in crowd control.
Murphy: I'm on da Broot Skwad!
Kathy: You are the Brute Squad!
C: Don't Ask, Can't Tell
Sandy: Whoa— you are a big chunk of cheese, aren't you?
Kathy: Sandy, this is Murphy. Murphy, this is my sister, Sandy.
Murphy: How'do, Ma'am.
Sandy: Are those boobs, or pecs—?
Kathy: I'm not sure.
Fred: I'm sorry about that, Ma'am. Murphy is... well, she's the result of a Brigade eugenics experiment gone wrong. Despite her size, she has the mind of a child. It makes her... dangerous. Are you all right?
Kathy: You really need to use a better phrase than "Drop it." She's... kinda literal.
Fred: We tried "put it down" and "unhand it" but those did not end well...
B: An Army Of One
Fred: As intimidating as she looks, she cannot follow complex orders, so they assigned her to the Palace Guard. She mainly works in crowd control.
Murphy: I'm on da Broot Skwad!
Kathy: You are the Brute Squad!
C: Don't Ask, Can't Tell
Sandy: Whoa— you are a big chunk of cheese, aren't you?
Kathy: Sandy, this is Murphy. Murphy, this is my sister, Sandy.
Murphy: How'do, Ma'am.
Sandy: Are those boobs, or pecs—?
Kathy: I'm not sure.
Sunday, July 1, 2017:
Fred’s Diaries have won first place in this year's Ursa Major Awards, in the Best Novel category! Many thanks to everyone who voted for us!
Fred’s Diaries have won first place in this year's Ursa Major Awards, in the Best Novel category! Many thanks to everyone who voted for us!
NOTICE: Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot will be shot.
~ Mark Twain
All characters and artwork (C)2004-2017 K. Garrison ( or their original creators.
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