Darah Ashley Hugh

Birthday: June 9th
Sign: Gemini
Age: 21
Height: 5', 1"
Bloodtype: O
Occupation: Freshman at the San Francisco Art Institute

For Darah's 21st birthday, her mother gave her the name and location of her father for whom she's never met. She has never seen a photo of him and only knows that her mother divorced her father when she was only two months old. So when Darah got accepted to the San Francisco Art Institute, it was killing two birds with one stone. It gave her a way to meet her father while prosueing her dream to be a professional illustrator.

Yet as she learns more of her father's past, the stranger it becomes of when she finds her destiny - as Zi, the Air Avatar of the Rat.

Gwendolyn "Gwen" Nathrach

Birthday: March 29th
Sign: Aries
Age: 27
Height: 5', 3"
Bloodtype: AB
Occupation: Secretary for Mr. Colin L. Hugh, Darah's father

Gwendolyn is the typical born and raised Californian. She knows the fast lifestyle by heart so she knows she got to keep up with everything and everyone to make sure she's never getting the short-end of any stick.

She works for Hugh & Jackman Real Estate with the co-owner: Colin L. Hugh. She mostly does Mr. Hugh's paperwork for clients and is his personal investigator.

Eurylochus "Euro" Everett Caine

Birthday: December 31st
Sign: Capricorn
Age: 32
Height: 5',7"
Bloodtype: B
Occupation: Personal assistant for Mr. Colin L. Hugh, Darah's father

Eurylochus E. Caine did have a rough life growing up with his abnormal name but for him, it's quite normal. As a second generation Greek-American he is quite used to his family mixing their honorable heritage with the mixing pot of the American life.

As the second of four children, he is used to being the second-in-command to his older sister; Circe. So for him, he was not phased at all when he got a job for one of Mr. Colin L. Hugh's companies as a personal assistant.  Then to work along Mr. Hugh's real estate secretary, Gwendolyn Natharch, he was not phased by her impulsive personality. To everyone who knows them; Euro is Gwen's ying to her yang.

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