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Carry On:
A comic about hyenas – really!
Carry On for Friday, February 22, 2019:

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A: Consulting The Witch Doctor
Songween: In a couple of hours, a hundred dignitaries are gonna belly up to my bar. The main event is the introducing Blondie here as my great-granddaughter. And they're gonna want proof of that— blood proof. If her blood's been adulterated— and they find out you're involved— they're gonna think you cooked her up in a jar.
DrBowman: I thought you could name anybody you want as heir, so long as the other Duchesses accept her. What's your hurry, anyway?
Songween: I have to act fast before that shyster Jinjur can scheme up a way to skunk me.
DrBowman: Oy. Jinjur. I forgot about that thing. Yeah, that could be a problem.
Songween: You have to fix this! Get those nanobots out of her by tomorrow— or I'm gonna walla-walla bing-bang your ting-tang!
B: All Tied Up
DrBowman: I'd like to help you, Your Grace, but my hands are tied—
Songween: Bowman, you fix this, or I'll—
DrBowman: No, I mean it— My hands are tied! In case you haven't noticed, I am literally tied up!
Songween: Oh, right. Wait here, I'll go get a sword.
Songween: In a couple of hours, a hundred dignitaries are gonna belly up to my bar. The main event is the introducing Blondie here as my great-granddaughter. And they're gonna want proof of that— blood proof. If her blood's been adulterated— and they find out you're involved— they're gonna think you cooked her up in a jar.
DrBowman: I thought you could name anybody you want as heir, so long as the other Duchesses accept her. What's your hurry, anyway?
Songween: I have to act fast before that shyster Jinjur can scheme up a way to skunk me.
DrBowman: Oy. Jinjur. I forgot about that thing. Yeah, that could be a problem.
Songween: You have to fix this! Get those nanobots out of her by tomorrow— or I'm gonna walla-walla bing-bang your ting-tang!
B: All Tied Up
DrBowman: I'd like to help you, Your Grace, but my hands are tied—
Songween: Bowman, you fix this, or I'll—
DrBowman: No, I mean it— My hands are tied! In case you haven't noticed, I am literally tied up!
Songween: Oh, right. Wait here, I'll go get a sword.
Sunday, July 1, 2017:
Fred’s Diaries have won first place in this year's Ursa Major Awards, in the Best Novel category! Many thanks to everyone who voted for us!
Fred’s Diaries have won first place in this year's Ursa Major Awards, in the Best Novel category! Many thanks to everyone who voted for us!
NOTICE: Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot will be shot.
~ Mark Twain
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