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Carry On:
A comic about hyenas – really!
Carry On for Wednesday, October 10, 2018:

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A: The Mistress Jade Trophy Game, Pt.3
Fred (telling story): I banned them from going to Jade's entirely. However, several of them crashed a party being given by another Brigade unit... and a fight broke out. The MP's got involved, and I was given five minutes to extricate my men, or the MP's were going to move in and burn the place down. To make matters worse, the Guardsmen were all drunk— or appeared to be— and would not be reasoned with.
B: The Mistress Jade Trophy Game, Pt.4
Fred (telling story): I suspect that my Guardsmen had engineered the whole thing to publicly humiliate me, and they very nearly managed it, until Mistress Jade herself came out and told the MP's that it was all just a practical joke on me, and that they could leave, as she was going to drop the complaint. I don't think the MP's believed her, and I didn't, either. Her smile was a little too forced. She ushered me into the parlour, and her whole demeanour changed into one of towering outrage. She berated all the Brigadiers, telling them that I was the only decent man in the whole town, and that they had no right to treat me so shabbily, because I had paid off their debt— which I had, but I had not mentioned it to them because I did not want to flaunt my wealth.
Fred (telling story): I banned them from going to Jade's entirely. However, several of them crashed a party being given by another Brigade unit... and a fight broke out. The MP's got involved, and I was given five minutes to extricate my men, or the MP's were going to move in and burn the place down. To make matters worse, the Guardsmen were all drunk— or appeared to be— and would not be reasoned with.
B: The Mistress Jade Trophy Game, Pt.4
Fred (telling story): I suspect that my Guardsmen had engineered the whole thing to publicly humiliate me, and they very nearly managed it, until Mistress Jade herself came out and told the MP's that it was all just a practical joke on me, and that they could leave, as she was going to drop the complaint. I don't think the MP's believed her, and I didn't, either. Her smile was a little too forced. She ushered me into the parlour, and her whole demeanour changed into one of towering outrage. She berated all the Brigadiers, telling them that I was the only decent man in the whole town, and that they had no right to treat me so shabbily, because I had paid off their debt— which I had, but I had not mentioned it to them because I did not want to flaunt my wealth.
Sunday, July 1, 2017:
Fred’s Diaries have won first place in this year's Ursa Major Awards, in the Best Novel category! Many thanks to everyone who voted for us!
Fred’s Diaries have won first place in this year's Ursa Major Awards, in the Best Novel category! Many thanks to everyone who voted for us!
NOTICE: Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot will be shot.
~ Mark Twain
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